Ce qui est super avec le blogging, c’est qu’il vous permet de voyager à travers le monde et d’être interviewé par des magazines et des journaux de tous les continents… Alors qu’en réalité vous êtes juste en train de taper de temps à autre sur votre clavier d’ordinateur.
Ces Téléportations via Internet m’ont permis au fil des années d’intervenir dans des médias plutôt grand public. Je trouve que c’est une très bonne chose, car le but de ce blog est de partager les principes d’une vie pleine de Frugalité et de Dure-à-Cuirisme, et de faire ainsi évoluer toute la société.
De façon générale, je ne recherche pas activement les relations presse, mais je fais de mon mieux pour répondre positivement quand on me propose une interview. Si vous êtes un journaliste qui cherche une histoire intéressante, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter via le formulaire (en Français) ou directement sur la version américaine de mon blog (si vous parlez Anglais). Mais rappelez-vous que vous êtes sur le blog d’un retraité, donc il se peut que ma réponse arrive après la date limite que vous vous étiez fixé.
Voici donc quelques-unes de mes apparitions dans les médias à ce jour :
Dans les médias francophones
- 14 Mars 2017 : Prendre sa retraite avant d’avoir des cheveux gris (Radio Canada)
- 31 Décembre 2015 : Cet Américain a pris sa retraite à 30 ans (BFM TV)
- 10 Décembre 2013 : « Il apprend aux Américains à vivre autrement » (Paris Match)
- 9 Janvier 2017 : Prendre sa retraite à 40 ans : Mission Possible ? (MSN Québec)
- 30 Septembre 2016 : Le conseil d’un retraité de 34 ans à ceux qui veulent arrêter de travailler (Journal du Net)
- 8 Janvier 2017 : Battant, économe et… retraité à 30 ans (La Presse – magazine Canadien)
- 6 Janvier 2014 : M. Money Moustache : L’homme qui a pris sa retraite à 30 ans (Save the green)
- 21 Juillet 2016 : Mr Money Mustache, retraité à 30 ans, veut vous apprendre à devenir riche (le Nouvel Obs / Rue 89)
- 8 Janvier 2016 : Ma foi, nos maisons sont devenues trop petites! (Les Affaires)
- 14 Juin 2016 : M. Money Moustache, ou comment s’enrichir en sauvant le monde (I-Nouvelles.Net)
Interviews en Anglais (et une en Allemand, et une en Hébreu !)
- February 17, 2017: Living Beautifully on $25-27k per year (The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast)
- December 7, 2016: How to Ride Your Way to a Badass Life of Leisure (Bicycling Magazine)
- June 24, 2016: MMM’s Guide to Badass Frugality and Retiring at age 30 (CBC Radio / Day 6)
- Feb 29, 2016: The Lifestyle Guru of Frugality (The New Yorker) (also see my snarky annotations on this article at genius.it)
- July 27, 2015: What Early Retirement Taught Me About Happiness (and Work) (Vox)
- April 2, 2015: How to Retire at 30 (and Stay Retired) – (The Globe and Mail)
- Feb 25, 2015: This Blogger Retired at 30 (and wants to show you how) – (Vox)
- Nov 18, 2014: Meet Mr. Money Mustache, the Personal-Finance Blogger Who Wants You to Spend Like You’re Poor (NY Magazine)
- Nov 12, 2014: (Something about living like dog?) (Israel’s Haaretz newspaper)
- Jul 30, 2014: Pete Alias Mr. Money Mustache Jeder, der spart, gilt als verrückt – (Austria’s Wirtschafts Blatt newspaper)
- Jan 17, 2014: How to retire early – 35 years early (Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch)
- Oct 3, 2013: How Mr. Money Mustache Retired At Age 30 And How You Can Too (Forbes)
- Sep 6, 2013: Mr. Money Mustache: An inspiration for wannabe retirees (NPR Marketplace Money)
- Aug 23, 2013: Even Bare-Lipped, Mr. Money Mustache Spreads Message of Thrift (Omaha.com)
- Aug 2013: Meet Pete: the 38-year-old Longmont resident who is living the dream of someone twice his age. (Denver’s 5280 Magazine)
- Jun 3, 2013: US-Finanzblogger “Mr. Money Mustache”: Mit 30 in Rente und glücklich werden (Spiegel Online)
- May 22, 2013: Mr. Money Mustache on Retiring at 30 By Riding a Bike (Streets Blog)
- Apr 26, 2013: Meet Mr. Money Mustache, the man who retired at 30 a Q&A with the Washington Post
- Nov 12, 2012: Interview with the Chance Economist on WIOX radio (WIOX Radio, New York)
- Oct 2, 2012: David Pakman Show Inteview (The David Pakman Show)
- Sep 18, 2012: CBC Radio One (Ontario Today) Talks to MMM (CBC.ca/OntarioToday)
- Sep 4, 2012: Better Know… Mr. Money Mustache (Ready For Zero)
- Nov 2, 2011: How This Family Man Retired Early At 32 on Goal Setting College
Apparitions et mentions dans les médias Américains
- August 2016: How To Be Happy, Rich, and Save the World (a talk at the World Domination Summit)
- May 13, 2015: How Mr. Money Mustache Retired at 30 (ABC Nightline – video)
- Nov 3, 2014: Ways to Increase Your Wealth When Your Income Is Flat (NY Times)
- Feb 3, 2014: Why the multimillion dollar retirement is not for the middle class (The Guardian)
- Jan 29, 2014: How to Retire at 30! (Seeking Alpha)
- Nov 22, 2013: Financial Blogs You Should Be Reading (AARP)
- Jul 24, 2013: How Biking Saves Me $10,000 a Year (Yahoo! Finance – Financially Fit – Video)
- Jul 23, 2013: How I Retired at 30 (Yahoo! Finance and Yahoo! Front Page – Financially Fit – Video)
- Jun 25, 2013: Best Advice Now for Getting Richer (Money Magazine – print and online)
- May 13, 2013: Six of the coolest money websites to read and Not your grandfather’s financial website: The new, fresh face of money sites (Financial Post)
- Apr 26, 2013: Meet Mr. Money Mustache, the man who retired at 30 a Q&A with the Washington Post
- Feb 27, 2013: House Tour: A Surprising Peek Inside The Home Of ‘Mr. Money Mustache’ Blogger (Huffington Post – Home & Personal Finance Sections)
- Jan 18, 2013: A call-in to Jeremy Doolin’s entertaining Mustachian Preaching show on WKKX Radio ( you might find a bootleg recording of it here: http://mc.rubyi.st/jeremy.mp3)
- Dec 22, 2012: Convert an Automobile Roof Rack to a Building Materials Carrier (Lifehacker)
- Oct 2, 2012: Retire extra early? Here’s what it takes (MSN Money)
- Sep 12, 2012: To Reach the Top 5%, You Must Simply Kick the Ass of the Other 95% (Business Insider)
- Sep 6, 2012: Mustachians Invade Canada’s National Media (CBC.ca)
- Jul 11, 2012: Acknowledging You Suck Is the First Step to Greatness (Lifehacker)
- May 26, 2012: Embrace Your Inner Nagging Voices to Get Things Done (Lifehacker)
- May 20, 2012: Share Your Internet Connection Using an Outdoor Wireless Access Point (Lifehacker)
- Feb 18, 2012: The Line Between Frugality and Deprivation is Determined By Your Values on Lifehacker (based on guest post by Nords of The-Military-Guide.com)
- Jan 21, 2012: Learning to Appreciate Mild Hunger Can Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals on Lifehacker
- Jan 14, 2012: View Tight Clothing as Motivation to Lose Weight Instead of an Excuse to Go Shopping on Lifehacker
- Dec 27, 2011: How I retired at age 30 on MSN Money and MSN Homepage
- Nov 6, 2011: The True Cost of Commuting on Disinformation
- Nov 4, 2011: How Much Money is Car-Commuting Costing You? on Treehugger
- Nov 2, 2011: Cost of Commuting Infographic on Lifehacker
- Nov 2, 2011: Cost of Commuting Infographic on Streamline Refinance
- Oct 12, 2011: How Much Your Commute Is Really Costing You on CBS Money Watch
- Oct 12, 2011: Commuting To Work Is Eating More Than 1 Year Of Your Life on Business Insider
- Oct 12, 2011: The True Cost of Commuting on Lifehacker
- Oct 8, 2011: Negative Visualization Helps You Appreciate What You Already Have on Lifehacker
- Sep 25, 2011: Laundry tips for business travellers on The Economist (based on guest post by Dvortygirl)
- Sep 24, 2011: Use Laundry Bar Soap to Wash Clothes When Traveling Light on Lifehacker (based on guest post by Dvortygirl)
- Sep 10, 2011: Increase Your Home’s Thermal Mass To Lower Utility Bills on Lifehacker
- Sep 3, 2011: Know When to Stock Up on Groceries with a Basic Food Algorithm on Lifehacker
- Aug 20, 2011: REIT Investments Combine Real Estate and Stocks on Lifehacker
- Aug 13, 2011: Use Craigslist to ‘Store’ Your Unused Stuff Until You Need It on Lifehacker
- Jul 10, 2011: Weekly Beer Budgets Keep Your Wallet and Alcohol Intake in Check on Lifehacker
- Jul 3, 2011: Reduce Your Lunch Budget with a Mini-Fridge on Lifehacker
Articles invités
- Sep 12, 2012: To Reach the Top 5%, You Must Simply Kick the Ass of the Other 95% (Business Insider)
- Oct 2, 2012: Retire extra early? Here’s what it takes (MSN Money)
- Apr 12, 2012: Early Retirement: It’s Not As Risky As You Might Think (Financial Samurai)
- Jul 1, 2011: First Retire, Then Have Kids on Frugal Dad
- May 24, 2011: The Quest of Financial Bloggers to Save The World on Early Retirement Extreme
Podcasts En Anglais
- August 28, 2015: Financial Independence via the Strenuous Life (Art of Manliness)
- February 19, 2015: The So Money Podcast (With Farnoosh Torabi)
- Sept 8, 2014: Early Retirement with Mr. Money Mustache (Listen Money Matters)
- August 10, 2014: Mr. Money Mustache and Me (The Disciplined Investor)
- June 8, 2014: Mr. Money Mustache – Financial Freedom Advocate (Out of the Box Podcast)
- May 4, 2014: How to Retire on $25,000 a Year: A Conversation with Mr. Money Mustache (with JD Roth on chrisguillebeau.com)
- Jan 3, 2014: How to Retire at the Age of 30 (and not think twice about it) – Good Financial Cents
- Dec 18, 2013: How to Retire at Age 30 [with Mr. Money Mustache] (DoughRoller)
- Oct 12, 2013: Jesse and Mr. Money Mustache – Part 2 (You Need a Budget)
- Oct 7, 2013: Jesse Interviews Mr. Money Mustache – Part 1 (You Need a Budget)
- Dec 13, 2012: Mr. Money Mustache – Early Retirement Made Easy (Mad Fientist)